I haven't done much with this blog. I've been busy with my father, who's now in hospice due to stomach cancer. I submitted a short story to a sci-fi magazine in October 2014. I heard from The Iowa Review this month. One of my submissions for a short story got rejected without comment. That's the only thing I've heard from since August.
I have poetry submissions I've been waiting on for seven months. Given my luck, it'll be closer to twelve or eighteen months before I hear anything. Because of family commitments, I've cut back my revising and editing to just short stories. I'd like to have my short stories read and critiqued this coming year. I also have the weekly goal of writing five pages in the rough draft of a new historical fantasy novel called Ganbaatar. It's set during the Mongol invasion of Russia in 1223. I already have thirty pages written. I'd like 280-300 pages by the end of 2015.
2015 would end with a completed Ganbaatar rough draft. I'd then read and have that critiqued at WUTA in 2016 while I rewrote Kepler Falling using a first person POV. Those are my goals for 2015 and beyond. Though I want to submit my remaining short stories to different magazines and presses, too.