Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Completed my latest rough draft of a steampunk novella

I completed the latest rough draft of a steampunk novella set in South Africa during the Boer War today.  I went through and did line editing.  This is the last manuscript I'll write.  My writing has been cursed turning into novellas.  I wanted a second novel length manuscript.  All I got was three novellas.  I started to bring the first sci-fi novella, Nordic Sun, to the weekly WUTA critique meetings.  Its my longest piece at 32,000 words.  I have another historical/fantasy work called Ganbaatar  It's set during the Mongol invasion of Russia in 1223 and is 19,900 words.  I also the steampunk novella called Johannesburg Passage.  It's a wartime tragedy.  It's only 12,000 words.

These works need weekly WUTA critiques in order to be revised properly.  I'd also like to take them through WUTA Big Books for a more thorough critique after they've been revised a second time with suggestions from WUTA's weekly critique group.  I figure it will take all of 2017 in order to get the novellas reviewed.

I also have poetry at our Maya Cafe sessions to be critiqued, too....

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Year end resolutions and promises...

I didn't notice how fast December 2016 crept upon me until I looked at my monthly calendar.  A lot has happened.  I had surgery to remove basal skin cancer on my right arm back in October 2016.  That was successful.  But my arm is now scarred because of it.

Unfortunately, I spent a month without reading or writing in November 2016.  I vowed to get back to both this month.  One problem I have is the amount of books I've accumulated.  I have 43 hardbacks waiting to be read.  I also have another 20 e-books on my NOOK reader to start, too.  I been spending my free time taking of my remaining parent.  I can only write and read when I have time.  I restructured my time this way:

1)  Read first fiction book - 50 pages.
2)  Work on my own painting.

1)  Read WUTA Big Books manuscript.
2)  Write 250 words.
3)  Work on painting commissions.

1)  Work on my own painting.
2)  Write 250 words.
3)  Attend weekly WUTA meetings for writing critiques in evening.

1)  Write 250 words.
2)  Revise and edit WUTA manuscript corrections.
3)  Work on my own painting.

1)  Write 250 words.
2)  Read nonfiction e-book - 75 pages.
3)  Play WH40K at a local hobby store.

1)  Read second fiction hardback book - 100 pages.

1)  Read second fiction hardback book - 100 pages.

I want to get back to WUTA Big Books in January 2017.  I'd take a sabbatical from the group this past year.  I'll eventually will have my final novella done sometime in the winter of 2017.  I'll be done with writing active material.  Most of my remaining writing time will be spent on editing/revising and writing query letters for my first novel.  Though I'd like to finish more of the backlog of books that now sit on my shelves...