Monday, September 24, 2018

Tried my hand at satire

I tried my hand at satire this week on a dark subject.  Mobile trailer meth labs and the children who are sexually abused by live-in boyfriends of their meth lab mothers who cook this crap up in front of children to leave the taxpayer stuck with the thousands in clean-up bills, 

To which I reply, "Trailer fire.  Trailer fire.  You're going to die...."


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Copy editing of Kepler Falling Complete

My copy editing of Kepler Falling is now complete.  Time to move onto other projects....


Monday, September 3, 2018

Copy editing Kepler Falling

I'm going through and copy editing Kepler Falling for mistakes.  I've gone through my other novellas.  My last novella was Eternity's Edge.  That's a sequel to Kepler Falling.  I have numerous novellas to take to Writers Under The Arch this fall.  It'll keep me busy most of the the next two and half years.  Not much else is happening, right now.  I'm in a waiting mode until tomorrow or this coming week...
