Saturday, September 26, 2015

Literary Agent Hunt, Query Letters, and New Authors/Books to read

I spent the week writing a query letter and putting together a database of literary agents, authors, and books they represent.  I wanted to be authors I'd read or heard.  I wasted a lot of ink printing things out.  I finally got a small list assembled.  Some of the agents represent several authors I'd read.  I was told to have a list of at least 50-100 possible agents.  God, that'll kill me, lol!

Here's a list of authors and books I need to eventually read:

Ben Bova's Orion and King Arthur; John Scalzi's Old Man's War; Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice; Philip Jose Farmer's Doc Savage; R.M. Meluch's The Twice and Future Caesar; Robert Jordan's Wheel of TIme, Set #1; Gini Koch's Alien vs. Alien.

I now have about a dozen different sci-fi/fantasy books to read, along with these.  I'd be lucky to get one read a month.  I might be caught up on all my reading by the time I get Kepler Falling through WUTA and Big Books in two years.  It will take me that long to get done with my reading list...

However, I'll see about getting a query letter to WUTA one of these days. Soon.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Done moving

I finished moving last night.  I just have to clean up my old bedroom, vacuum it, and give my keys back to my former roommate Saturday afternoon.  I'm tired and worn out.  I thought I'd keep cool by moving stuff in the evening.  The humidity and heat didn't cooperate.  However, all the trips I made to and from my old house to my mom's condo paid off...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Setting up my downstairs office

I spent this evening setting up my downstairs office.  I put my laptop computer, books, CDs, and DVDs, in my father's old room.  I updated my computer files and backed everything, too.  I need to install Norton 360 on the laptop latter this weekend and hook it up to the local wifi server.  I've been using my mom's machine for Internet until then. 

I finished a novella recently called Ganbaatar.  It's based on the Mongol invasion of Russia in 1223.   I don't understand why my stories turn into novellas.  This has happened on several occasions.  I wanted a novel.  I got a novella, instead. 

Or my short stories turn into novellas, too.  Battle Damage is a case in point.  I rewrote a new character and scene index to go with it.  I worked on it this morning.  I don't think it'll take long to finish.  I'm taking a hiatus from new projects once I'm done with the rough draft of Battle Damage.  I want to work on a poetry chap book, Half A World Away, and my novel, Kepler Falling.  Those projects should take the next several years...