Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rough draft of Redemption of Eden completed.

My rough draft for the novella, Redemption of Eden, is complete.  I finished it this morning.  I'm disappointed it's only a novella, instead of a novel.  But I can start revising it tomorrow morning.  I just want to veg out this evening and do nothing.  I spent 8.5 hours writing and editing yesterday.  That's enough to fry my brain for one evening...

Regards and good writing,

Saturday, February 22, 2014

First Revision of Kepler Falling completed

I spent the past several weeks revising my first novel.  I went through it and did the first revisions since I completed it.  I also put together a new character and chapter outline for a sequel.  I spent this week writing the first two chapters of the new novel.

I also revised my second short story for WUTA's peer review sessions next month.  That's it for now.
Regards and good writing,

Friday, February 7, 2014

Completed rough draft of Straits of Magellan/Kepler Falling

I wrote about 50 pages of the space of two days and completed the rough draft of Straits of Magellan.  It was only 200 pages/32,000 words.  Instead of writing anymore, I merged it onto my existing novel, Kepler Falling.  That work is now 86,900 words/558 pages long.

I'm in the process of making all my character names end in their proper surname.  I'm also correcting misspellings as I go.  I'm about 200 pages/20 chapters into the novel.  There are 82 chapters total.  I'd like to revise/edit the rest of Kepler Falling by the beginning of March 2014.  Once that's complete, I can then submit Kepler Falling to WUTA Bigbooks Group for a critique and review.

I don't plan writing a second novel.  Kepler Falling is a stand alone work.  I want to rewrite "Matter of Honor" this spring once I get back all the Kepler Falling critiques.  I'll wait three months before I go through them one by one.

There are things I had to do with Kepler Falling.  I had to make all the character references ended in surnames.  I also had to change POV from first person to third person in the last part of the novel.  There are other things I need to do.  But I'll work on that when I get around to reediting Kepler Falling this summer.

I want to get "Matter of Honor" rewritten into a short story/novella format.  I also have another idea for a one off short story using the evil empire of Texarkana motif.  That I can explore later on when I get feedback on my current cycle of Martian future history short stories at WUTA this year....

Regards and good writing,