Friday, February 7, 2014

Completed rough draft of Straits of Magellan/Kepler Falling

I wrote about 50 pages of the space of two days and completed the rough draft of Straits of Magellan.  It was only 200 pages/32,000 words.  Instead of writing anymore, I merged it onto my existing novel, Kepler Falling.  That work is now 86,900 words/558 pages long.

I'm in the process of making all my character names end in their proper surname.  I'm also correcting misspellings as I go.  I'm about 200 pages/20 chapters into the novel.  There are 82 chapters total.  I'd like to revise/edit the rest of Kepler Falling by the beginning of March 2014.  Once that's complete, I can then submit Kepler Falling to WUTA Bigbooks Group for a critique and review.

I don't plan writing a second novel.  Kepler Falling is a stand alone work.  I want to rewrite "Matter of Honor" this spring once I get back all the Kepler Falling critiques.  I'll wait three months before I go through them one by one.

There are things I had to do with Kepler Falling.  I had to make all the character references ended in surnames.  I also had to change POV from first person to third person in the last part of the novel.  There are other things I need to do.  But I'll work on that when I get around to reediting Kepler Falling this summer.

I want to get "Matter of Honor" rewritten into a short story/novella format.  I also have another idea for a one off short story using the evil empire of Texarkana motif.  That I can explore later on when I get feedback on my current cycle of Martian future history short stories at WUTA this year....

Regards and good writing,

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