Saturday, June 15, 2013

Grammar, Punctuation, and Proper English

I spent the weekend reading two books on proper English and punctuation.  I am also taking a four week course on grammar and punctuation from a local community college in St. Louis, MO. 

For my troubles, I did finish editing Kepler Falling last week.  I have three different short stories I need to look over.  I started a short story for Writers Under the Arch two weeks ago.  I'm not sure if I should continue with it.  I'm trying to incorporate some of what I've learned into my writing.  It's an ongoing process.  I have yet to sit down with a critical eye for punctuation and grammar with one of my stories or novellas. 

The short story I submitted to WUTA Big Books got turned down with the comments it was too long for a short story and would be better as a novel.  I won't work on "Matter of Honor" for a while.  I am too involved with Straits of Magellan.  The one good thing I did was outline a couple chapters for the novel.  I have a better idea what to write until I get to the end of where I stopped.  I then outline some more chapters until I have the novel complete.  I know how Straits of Magellan will end and how it will lead into the third book of the Kepler cycle called Redemption of Eden...  

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